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Philosophy Statement



  Incorporating light into the architecture of this chapel has shaped the position of the building. This structure uses many mechanisms to diffuse and control light. Most of the light that is being controled comes from the roofs of the chapels and are curved to capture light from many different angles. The roofs are also rotated to allow light to come in at different parts of the day.

    I selected this site because it is on a circulation path, helps define the "Mall" on campus and is secluded enough creating a calm and soothing atmosphere.  

    I solved the conflict beween the natural environment, use of the sunligh, and the manmade, with the frontality of campus by having the face of the building facing toward the mall. The chapels shapes were made circular to get light from many different angles and I used a datum to conect the two together. 


The Hierarchy of this project is the  Main Chapel as it is the highest point and is the focal point of the bulding. And usies a radial circulation.



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